[color1] Plot [color1] PlotOn PlotOff PlotChg [color1] PxlOn PxlOff PxlChg PxlTest [color1] Line [color1] [sketchMode2] F-Line [color1] [sketchMode2] Horizontal [color1] [sketchMode2] Vertical [color1] [sketchMode2] Circle [color1] [sketchMode2] Graph(X,Y)=( Plot/Line-Color color1 S-L-Normal S-L-Dot S-L-Broken S-L-Thick S-L-Normal S-L-Thin G-Plot G-Connect Cls ClrText ClrGraph BG-Pict BG-None StoPict RclPict AxesOn AxesOff LabelOn (ignored) LabelOff (ignored) GridOn GridOff GridLine FuncOn (ignored) FuncOff (ignored) CoordOn (ignored) CoordOff (ignored) Isz Dsz Lbl Goto Prog Return Stop Mcl Range ViewWindow Xmin Xmax Xscl Xdot Ymin Ymax Yscl Tθmin Tθmax Tθptch Menu [color1] Locate [color1] [sketchMode2] Text expr->variable expr->variableStart~variableEnd variable "string" ?->variable "string"?->variable Ran# RanInt# GetKey MOD( Abs Int Intg Frac Deg Rad Grad sin cos tan Rec Pol Ans + - * / => (If) If/Then/Else/IfEnd <= >= = <> (or !=) < > And/Or/Xor/Not (expr) -expr Do/LpWhile While/WhileEnd For/Next Break {1,2,3,4}->List n List n->List m List Ans x->Dim List n Dim List n Filen Seq( x->List n[expr] ?->List n[expr] List n List n[expr] ClrList ClrList n Sum list Prod list Mean(list Median(list Max(list Min(list SortA(list SortD(list Fill(value,list) Augment(list,list) Cuml list ?List list Percent list RanInt#(min,max,nb) RanList#(int) [[1,2,3][4,5,6]...]->Mat n Mat n Mat Ans {l,c}->Dim Mat n Dim Mat i x->Mat n[expr,expr] ?->Mat A[expr,expr] Mat n[expr,expr] Mat n->Mat m ClrMat ClrMat n Fill(expr, Mat n Mat->List(n,colNum) Trn Mat n Augment(Mat a,Mat b) List->Mat( 1 color can be Black, Blue, Red, Magenta, Green, Cyan or Yellow 2 sketchMode can be SketchNormal, SketchThick, SketchBroken, SketchDot, SketchThin